Industry News

Cancer Immunotherapy Wins the 2018 Medicine Nobel Prize


James P. Allison of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and Tasuku Honjo of Kyoto University in Japan have won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for advances in harnessing the immune system to fight cancer. Read The Entire Article Here.

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Cancer Drug And Antidepressants Provide Clues For Treating Brain-eating Amoeba Infections


“Researchers have now identified three new molecular drug targets in Naegleria fowleri and a number of drugs that are able to inhibit the amoeba’s growth in a laboratory dish. Several of these drugs are already approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for other uses, such as antifungal agents, the breast cancer drug tamoxifen…

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A Mere Drop of Blood Makes Skin Cells Line Up


“What happens to skin cells when they are confronted with blood? A team of researchers from Oslo University Hospital, led by Emma Lång and Stig Ove Bøe, performed experiments on blood-deprived cells that were subsequently exposed to blood serum. Remarkably, all the cells started to move and grow in the same direction as soon as…

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Body’s Own ‘bomb Squad’ Can Help Protect Against Brain Tumors


“Researchers have discovered how a molecule can help prevent certain types of brain tumors by recognizing and ‘disarming’ harmful proteins that cause them.” Read The Entire Article on the Science Daily Website

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